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Nichteinmal jeder zehnte "Veganer" ist vegan

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Nichteinmal jeder zehnte "Veganer" ist vegan

Autor: Achim Stößer | Datum:
So jedenfalls das Ergebnis einer Umfrage der "Vegetarischen und veganen Gesellschaft Queensland".

Von den 1202 Befragten erklärte 1% (also etwa 12), vegan zu sein. Nur ein einziger ernährte [nichtalimentäre Aspekte wurden dabei anscheinend nicht berücksichtigt] sich tatsächlich vegan (vgl.

Zitat: Newspoll Sydney radomly selected 1202 people to find out how many Australians are vegan or vegetarian along with what these people's attitudes to animals are. [...]

The positive aspects:

99% of people surveyed are AGAINST animal cruelty

86% believe keeping laying hens in cages for their entire lives is unacceptable

74% think castrating animals without anaesthetic is unacceptable

72% say killing male chicks in egg production is unacceptable

80% think it's unacceptable to test cosmetics on animals

56% of Australians would consider becoming vegan due to reasons including:
evidence that farming practices cause stress and pain for milions of animals every year
evidence they can be healthy on a vegan diet
evidence that being vegan is better for the environment
if there were more vegan menu items in cafes or restaurants

The negative aspects are:

Of the 1202 people surveyed across Australia, only 5% said they were vegetarian and 1% said they were vegan

While 5% of people claimed to be vegetarian, only 2% actually ate a vegetarian diet

And of the 1% who claimed they were vegan, only 1 person actually ate a vegan diet

This brings up quite a few issues to me:
WHY if there are so many people (99%) against cruelty to animals do people still participate in cruelty towards animals?
Do people actually know about the MANY aspects of cruelty involved with animal production?
Do people care or are people blissfully ignorant?
WHAT do people think the meaning of being a vegetarian is?
WHAT do people think the meaning of being a vegan is?

Something is obviously being lost in the translation...

So just to clarify:

A VEGAN is someone who does not consume ANY animal products or by-products (this includes honey), for food, clothing or other purposes

A VEGETARIAN is someone who does not consume ANY animal flesh of any kind (this includes fish and other water animals) but may eat milk/dairy products and eggs. (meine Hervorhebungen).


Re: Nichteinmal jeder zehnte "Veganer" ist vegan

Autor: Achim Stößer | Datum:
> sein. Nur ein einziger ernährte [nichtalimentäre Aspekte
> wurden dabei anscheinend nicht berücksichtigt] sich
> tatsächlich vegan (vgl.

Der Originalumfrage ist allerdings zu entnehmen, dass sie tatsächlich vegan ist (nicht nur isst).
