5% der britischen Erwachsenen behaupten, Vegetarier zu sein. Die Hälfte davon fressen jedoch die Leichen von Fischen, ein Drittel die von Hühnern und ein Viertel die von Säugetieren - das zeigte eine Untersuchung.
The True Vegetarian Nature
Approximately five per cent of adults in Britain claim to be vegetarian, but research by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Family Food Panel has revealed that half of these people actually eat fish, one third eat chicken and one quarter eat red meat. This leaves an average of less than three per cent of the population who are true vegetarians, the significant minority of which are women aged 17-34 years old.
When asked for their reasons for not eating meat, only 44 per cent of true vegetarians said it was due to moral reasons relating to animal suffering and cruel practices. Twenty two per cent stated that they were vegetarians for health reasons and nine per cent said a series of recent food scares was the reason for excluding meat from their diet.
Despite the decline in ‘true vegetarians,’ over recent years, there has been an increase in people eating textured vegetable protein (TVP) as an alternative to meat, with the ‘healthy’ Linda McCartney and Quorn ranges proving increasingly popular. Both brands provide a wide range of meat free products which are mainly consumed as meat substitutes with vegetables and/or potatoes.
Other key findings from the research include:
* Quorn products, worth an estimated £93 million in Britain, account for 46 per cent of total vegetarian foods. Vegetarian bacon and vegetarian spaghetti bolognaise are two of the most popular Quorn products.
* Vegetable based products such as vegetable grills and burgers have also become more popular, particularly with women aged 25-44.
* Frozen vegetarian food is also a popular option, with vegetable pizza (consumed by children in particular), macaroni cheese, cauliflower cheese, vegetable curry and vegetable lasagne as the five most popular meals.
* Consumption of chicken and beef has seen growth while pork, lamb and turkey have become less popular choices in recent years.
* Linda McCartney products are consumed most regularly by children aged between six and ten and also by females aged 45-64.
Sara Donnelly, Account Director at TNS’ Family Food Panel comments ‘The focus of vegetarian food marketing by manufacturers and retailers will need to change in order to appeal to a more diverse market place, including men and older women. Whilst, meals without meat, for example, meat–free pasta dishes, soups, salads, stir-fries and sandwiches are becoming more popular, meat still features in a significant majority of people’s diets. However, in a society that places huge demands on time, a growing number of consumers are looking for meals that are convenient to prepare, and meat is often perceived as inconvenient. Because of this, there are now opportunities for food marketers to target consumers who want convenient, healthy, meat-free meals, rather than marketing products specifically as ‘meals for vegetarians.’
Family Food Panel (FFP) is Britain’s largest and only continuous monitor of food and drink consumption. The database complements purchase panel data as it tracks products to their final consumer. Users of FFP data include many of the leading food and drink manufacturers as well as retailers and generic marketing bodies.
Superpanel was launched in 1991 and now consists of 15,000 households, making it the largest panel of its kind in Europe and confirming Superpanel as the industry standard for the measurement of consumer purchasing. The sample is demographically and regionally balanced to offer a representative picture of the GB market place.
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